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Who We are

The XRacism Project ©

The XRacism Project © is a proactive initiative - including programs, projects and therapies - to support and heal the victims of racism; and is equally designed to neutralize and eliminate racism.

"The XRacism Project © was founded as a vehicle for the elimination of racism. For more than twenty years I recognized the need for an institution to be created around the idea of bring racism to a conclusion. To achieve such a goal it is imperative that we as, individuals and groups (including communities) transform ourselves from victims of racism into activist against racism. To do so requires that we become enlightened, empowered and active at neutralizing and extinguishing racism. To this end we offer various initiatives to transform 'would-be victims' and 'would-be perpetrators' of racism into agents against racism."
Heru-Ka Anu, Founder and Director of the XRacism Project ©

Founder and Director of the XRacism Project ©

Heru-Ka Anu, a Cultrual Therapist (of the Cultural Therapy Institute) and activist, is the Founder and Director , the XRacism Project, and other initiatives. Anu is a trained Diversity Coordinator, Discrimination Mediator, Youth and Family Counselor, and Oral Historian.

As a Cultural Therapist and Consultant, Heru-Ka Anu assists clients (individuals and organizations) in the areas of understanding, achieving and managing healthy (racial, ethnic) identity, culture and power relationships.

Anu teaches classes, hosts workshops and gives lectures; he has been doing XRacism outreach for more than twenty years. He is a frequent presenter at conferences, campuses and guest on various radio & television programs.

Anu can be reached by phone: 410-664-1035 or by email at: Info@XRacism.com

XRacism Project Leader

XRacism Project Leaders play an active role in advancing initiatives to neutralize and end racism they convene and host forums, workshops, classes and other gathering and events.

You too can be an XRacism Project Leader - the basic requirement is that you choose to convene and host XRacism Project gatherings and events.

To become an XRacism Project Leader contact us at: Info@XRacism.com

XRacism Collaborators

The XRacism Collaborators are those who agree simply to work with the XRacism Project, using it as a resource to support various initiatives, as a vehicle to network with other collaborators, donating time and resources, and as a clearing house to disseminate information.

The process to become a collaborator requires submitting a project proposal, and or donations, consistent with the goal and objectives of the XRacism Project and having it accepted. The proposal must be in writing.

Project Scope

Projects can be anything imaginable - hosting dialogs and lectures, teaching classes, conducting research, to engaging in protest, and other measures. You chose your weapon!
To become a collaborator send your proposal to Info@XRacism.com

XRacism Support Group

The XRacism Support Group consist of volunteer supporters who lend their talents, time and resources to the various initiatives supported by the XRacism Project. Support can be in the way of assisting with a project, making donations, helping to organize and or promote an activity. Supporters are always welcomed. To lend your support contact us at: Info@XRacism.com

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